Saturday, December 25, 2010

Present Time at Nona's

Nona got Kylee a lot of great stuff. The clothes come home with us and the toys stay at her house. The My Lil Ponies, Strawberry Shortcake dolls and Dora stuff!

Decorating Cookies at Nona's

Before we had dinner at and Christmas at Nona's we decorated cookies!

Grandpa and Grandma's Gifts

Tuesday night Kylee got to start opening presents! We always start early so that she know who they came from. Grandpa and Grandma pick out some beautiful clothes once again!

Dancing with Darla

Darla taught Kylee how to dance on her feet.

Pretzel Bark

I was going to have Kylee make chocolate dipped pretzels but we couldn't get it to work right.... so she made pretzel bark instead with the help of Mimi.

Frosty (video)

Kylee loves Frosty the Snowman. Papa saw this and had to send it to her!

Frosty part 2 (video)

The Itsy Bitsy Spider (video)

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Let it Snow...

Well we are getting dumped on but Kylee LOVES it! I had to drag her inside.

Santa's Cabin (video)

Santa's Cabin

Papa and Busha came in to take Kylee to see Santa. This year we went to Santa's Cabin. It was AWESOME! I called to make an appointment in Oct, they book up fast! Santa's Cabin is where Santa lives! Kylee sat on Santa's lap, read him her list, opened books that he got her and didn't cry once! She did great and even gave him a hug good bye! Santa's Cabin rocks!