Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Playing with Daddy (video)

Kylee and Daddy just being silly! She thought it was hilarious that bear kept "hitting him in the head"! Notice how he laughs but then goes back to her game in between!

Playing with Daddy 2 (video)

Just for the record she did NOT pee on him..... she was laughing pretty hard though!

Born Free (Video)

Here is a lil sample of Kylee singing Born Free by Kid Rock. I think she gets it from her Daddy!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

I NEED to go to School (Video)

Kylee keeps telling us she wants to go to school. We keep telling her she has to be 3 before she can go to school. So she tells us "guess what, I'm 3 now! I can go to school"!

I NEED to go to School!

Kylee is all about going to school! Lydia and Malachi go to school and she "needs" to go too. She puts on her backpack and says "okay guys I got to go to school now. I need to go on the school bus"!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Bowling With A Friend

Kylee wanted to go bowling again and this time she got to bring her friend Malachi along. They gave the kids a ramp to use but after a few times they just wanted to toss the ball down the lane. They ate and after they bowled we tried to play some video games. We came home and tried to watch Toy Story 3 but Kylee could not sit still threw the whole thing..... glad we just rented it instead of paying the big bucks at the movies.

Thursday, November 18, 2010


Yesterday after Kylee picked out her own outfit she found some paper and wanted to draw. Here she is making a "happy face". Notice that she draws with both hands! This is just one of the pictures she drew yesterday..... start the bidding now! LOL

Sorry I had to post the video this way. I could not get it to upload the normal way so this is the best I could do. It was too cute not to post! If you are not getting sound scroll over the bottom right of the video and you will see an icon to click and the should should work. If you missed any of it you can replay it at the end.

New Bedding

Now that Kylee is in a big girl bed she wanted new "cozy" bedding like Mommy and Daddy's. She wanted a top sheet and comforter she could crawl into and cuddle up. So we went Target and she picked out Tinkerbell. It was not my 1st choice but as Mike says it's her room... and it still matches the fairies in her room so I really can't complain. Here she is all "cozy"!

Playing Dress Up

We have slowly been turning the spare room into a play room (with a queen bed in it) for Kylee. She loves to play upstairs and I love getting the toys out of the living room. Today after she helped put her books away and dust we played dress up.  She had 4 outfits on in about 5 minutes. She was so proud!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Zing Zang Zoom!

Nona took Mike, Kylee, Danielle and I to the Ringling  Brothers Zing Zang Zoom Circus. We got there early so we could go down on the circus floor. We got Kylee a program and she got it signed by all the clowns and showgirls she met. She even got to try on clown coats. We took our seats just as the show was starting and Kylee got a snow cone and popcorn. She was really good through the whole show. Her favorite part was the elephants.... but she did say they were stinky! LOL Thank you Nona for a great night!

Mimi's Lil Cupcake!

Our lil backer was at it again..... this time Mimi was he helper.

Big Girl Bed!

The crib is down and Kylee is in a big girl bed! She does great at night but at nap time she just wants to play. She is %90 potty trained and now that she can get out of bed she sleeps in big girl panties. She has a potty in her room. The other night she called me at 2 am because she had gone potty and could not reach the wipes. That same night she ended up wetting the bed..... she got up, went into her dresser and got out new panties to put on. She then pulled her blankies down on the dry floor and slept there. Bless her lil heart! Needless to say we have backed of the liquids before bed. Next we have to tackle getting rid of the paci! She is doing so good and growing up way to fast!

Trick or Treat

On Halloween Kylee got ready at Mimi's. Then we went to GG's and trick or treated at her neighbors. Then we went to trunk or treat at the church where we mest up with Scooby Doo Wyatt. Kylee did great and said trick or treat each time and then said thank you! She did great and (2 weeks later we still have 90% of the candy left!