Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Birthday Party at GG's!

So the last of Kylee's parties were tonight at GG's house. It was a lot more tame than her "kid party" lol. She still had a lot of fun though..... she loves playing with her family!

A spot of tea with Mimi

So what can I say Kylee REALLY like to have tea parties! Mimi got her a tea set so they can have tea at her house. She was so excited when she opened the box. You will notice that Kylee will set the table, pour you tea, cheers ya and drinks with her pinky up! Too cute!

Mimi's new walker

So Mimi got a new walker with a seat....... who didn't see this coming?

Aqua Doodle

I for got about this post.

Kylee got alot of nice gifts but we didn't open them until Sunday. She shares her toys all day every day with all of the other kids I wanted her to be able to play with them the first time and not have to share. Papa and Busha got her a aqua doodle (and other stuff... look for the post on Twinkle Toes coming soon!) and she really like it. We had funny coloring while daddy watched hockey.

Sweep Sweep

Kylee loves to clean! She likes to dust, she gets wipes out and 'washes" everything down for me and now she is all about sweeping! If she see a broom she yells "sweep, sweep" and begs to sweep.... so we put Daddy and Kylee to work sweeping up Mimi's deck.

DQ makes everything better!

We took Kyle to see Dora and Diego on her Birthday at Burger King and she hated it. She would not get with in 5 feet of them! She was yelling NOOOOOOO! So we took her to DQ to make up for it!..... Next year we are taking her to see clowns! LOL

Grandma DeeDee and Papa Dave's present

We have a couple at church that we call "Papa Dave and Grandma DeeDee". They have children but no grandchildren..... so they have adopted all the kids at church and always bring them goodies on holidays and presents on their birthday! Her is what Kylee got (she got another shirt like this and a book too)!

Auntie and Lynn's gift

Kylee has been having a blast this week because the mailman keeps bringing her presents to open! She goes and sits at the table and tears them open. These awesome books are from Auntie and Lynn who ALWAYS think of Kylee. They send her a card for EVERY holiday. Thank you so much for thinking of her!

Kid Birthday Party

We tried to keep it small this year and just do a party with her friends (the kids I watch). It's a good thing too because it was only 45 degrees out and we could not put up the bounce house and all ended up in our house. There were kids EVERYWHERE! but all and all it was a nice party. Kylee got some great gifts and had fun!

Birthday Breakfast

Papa and Busha brought Kylee the birthday breakfast of champions... Doughnuts!