Sunday, February 21, 2010

Getting Dressed

Kylee loves getting dressed.... by herself! Every morning she gets up and has to put her boots on. No socks! Just her jammies and her boots. Most of the time she gets them on the right foot. Today she decided she was going to put her church clothes on OVER her jammies! Tights and all!
I know that I have not posted any video lately but it won't let me! I have tried a few different videos a few different times..... maybe they are too long???? Anyways I have been trying! Blame Blogger not me! LOL

Making a cake.... and eating it too

Kylee cutting and eating the cake that she made with Nona.

MiMi's Valentine

We went over to MiMi's after church on Valentine's Day. We brought her the homemade chicken n dumplin's she has been wanting and the cake that Kylee and Nona made. MiMi had a new puzzle for Kylee and she got it on the 1st try. Mimi loved her Valentine Kylee all dressed up from church.... she said she looked like an angel!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Nona's Valentine's present

Kylee got a bunch of really cute clothes and a DVD from Nona for Valentine's Day. One of the outfits was her Valentine dress.

Our Card and Clean up

Here is Kylee making our Valentine's Day card at Nona's and "signing" her cards for church. (see below)

Kylee loves to clean! Ok so she like to wipe things up.... picking up toys now that's a different story! Here she is cleaning up after baking. I know this post should be under the next one but o'well!

Baking a Cake

My Mom kept Kylee Saturday before Valentin's Day so that Mike and I could go to dinner and a movie. They had a busy night! They baked us a REALLY yummy cake, made us a card and then Kylee "signed" her Valentin's card to had out at church. My Mom said Kylee had a blast making the cake. She loved poking the holes where the Jello got drizzled into. Our card is beautiful! Her put all the stickers on all by herself and colored it. We had a great night out and a wonderful surprise waiting for us when we picked Kylee up. Thanks Nona!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Kylee's new Hat

Aunt Darla and Uncle Al sent Kylee a super cute hat for Valentine's Day. She sported it ALL weekend and will continue doing so when ever she wears red. She wore it over to MiMi's house to show her and she loved it too!

Grammy's Chocolate

Kylee got a Valentine package from Grammy too! Her favorite part CHOCOLATE! How can blame her! She ate it like a pro too. I asked for a bite and she gave me one but when I asked for another she was not giving it up.... she found the caramel center! Our girl is no dummy! LOL

Baking Cookies

Kylee and I baked cookies for Valentine's day. We didn't make the cookies, I sliced them out of a tube.... that's why there aren't any mixing pics. Kylee had fun decorating them! She made sure they each got a M & M and LOTS of sprinkles! Yummy! She is getting to be a pro!

Getting so BIG

I forgot about these pics. This was last Sunday before church looking like such a big girl. She was just getting the croup here, she didn't even want to go to wee worship and slept on me all through church... that's how we knew she was coming down with a bug.

Pa Pa and Busha's Package

Kylee got a box of goodies for my Dad and Karen. It had a bunch of goodies in it. She got her favorite M & M's and some new pretty training pants..... that she thought looked better on her head! Thanks you guys! We have read the book a few times (she likes the noises) and are going to break out the markers this week.... and you know those M's are long gone! LOL

Poor Sick Baby!

The bad news is Kylee had croup. The good news is that she got better pretty fast (still has a bit of a cough) and she was soooo cuddly when she was sick. She is just so independent these days it was nice having her just was to snuggle in and sleep on us (that's how we knew she was coming down with something!) I took one for the team and took a nap (or 2) with my sweet girl. I know you all like the boots and PJ look! LOL