Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Halloween "PREVIEW"

Since we will be out of town on Halloween my family wanted a preview of her costume. My girlfriend Steph pick the costume up for her at a Cracker Barrel on her way back from a rafting trip. She looked cute and loved having it on! We also took her over to the Veigh's to practice trick or treating. We need to put elastic on her hat so it will stay on better but after that we are ready to go and can't wait to trick or treat with Preslie & Jordan!
Oh and by the way this will be the last blog for AT LEAST 2 WEEKS! I will put all the fun pics from the vacation up when we get back!

Pumpkin Carving (part 1)

Tonight after family dinner we carved pumpkins. I know it is kinda early but it's the last chance we will get to do it before we leave on vacation. Kylee had a blast. She didn't "carve" the pumpkin but she loved helping to dig out the guts and seeds. She also loved playing (and eating) the pumpkin mess!

Pumpkin Carving (part 2)

Here are the pics of everyone doing the pumpkins and our masterpieces..... they may not be beautiful but we had a GREAT time doing them!

Fall is here!

It was beautiful out yesterday so we went outside to play. Amy had raked up a pile of leaves for the kids to play in. They had leave "fights" and loved going down the slide and landing in them. The kids all had a blast! We are lucky to have such great neighbors to play with!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

18 month pics

Here are some of the proofs from Kylee's 18 month pics. I have some for everyone and will be handing them out as I see you. I also plan on sending some out too. We did not get all of these (we had to narrow it down out of 100 pics!) Enjoy!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Long's Cider Mill

Today we went to Long's Cider Mill ( I know all you guys that don't live in MI are jealous!). It was pretty cold today but we have been trying to go for 2 weeks and today we just bit the bullet and went. We stayed long enough to get cider, doughnuts and apples, eat them and leave. Oh and they had some goats in a pen that Kylee checked out after we ate. The doughnut were so fresh and yummy (they were piping HOT when we got them) that it was worth the trip. Maybe if we get a nice day we will go again. For now check out the pics of KYlee eating a doughnut they are so CUTE!

These boots were made for walking!

When we went to visit my Dad and Karen they got her these boots! I just LOVE them and wanted you all to see how cute she is in them! Oh and she likes them too! She goes and gets them ALL the time and wants me to put them on her! SOOOOO STINKIN CUTE!

More friends for Kylee

So I helped my girlfriend Kristy out this past week. I watched he daughter Emma (6 months) and Renee (kinda another friend of mine) daughter Lexi 9 months (but was born 3 moths early) last week. Kylee loved it! She was such a good girl! She liked playing with the little ones. She wanted to give them toys.... and then take them back. She kissed them and rubbed their lil heads. I know that SOMEDAY (maybe) she will make a great big sis!

Just a swingin!

So Kylee was not a big fan of the swing we had (she liked my mom's ok) but now that she has one in the backyard she just helped herself to Emma's.... which she is way too big for!