Sunday, August 30, 2009

Brusha, Brusha, Brusha

Now that Kylee has 12 teeth we thought she should start brushing them. Every morning when I go brush my teeth I tell her "Kylee it's time to brush your teeth" and she comes running to the bathroom. Sometimes she uses the wrong end or when I tell her "ok Kylee brush" she will put it in her hair but she is learning. Now that I am home more we brush (just w/ water for now) a few times a day!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Kylee's 1st Masterpiece

The other day I got the marker kit out to see if Kylee was ready to color yet. She did pretty well. I had to kind of help hold the paper still for her but she held the markers all on her own.... and then she put them in her mouth! Here is her creating her first masterpiece.

Eating Ice Cream with Mimi

So below I talk about how Kylee is at the age where she will not sit still on someones lap and take a pic..... Well I take that back she WILL sit still if you bribe her with ice cream!

Aunt Darla Comes to town

My Aunt Darla (Dad's sister) came to town in mid August from Arizona (my Dad and Karen came in that weekend too). We tried to spend as much time with her as we could because we only get to see her twice a year. She loved seeing Kylee and couldn't believe how busy she is these days. Here are some pics from her visit. I really tried to get a "nice" pic of the two of them but Miss Kylee was NOT having it. She is at that age where she will just NOT sit still anymore.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Watering the Garden

This year I decided that we would grow a few veggies. I put them in pots on the deck because that is the only place that gets enough sun. We grew cherry and beefsteak tomatoes, basil and green peppers. Kylee like to help water the plants, I thinks she get s more water than they do.

yummy tomatoes

Here is Kylee helping pick some of our goodies.... as you can see not many cheery tomatoes made it into the house!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Family pics

Here are a few Family pics we took on my birthday down by the water. I had a great day thank you all for all the cards and well wishes!
Also look at the right side to make sure that you have seen all the new ones I put up over the last two days. They take up more than one page. I think at the bottom of this page it will say older posts or maybe if you click on August it will bring up all this months posts. Thanks for checking in! Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying summer!

Spray Park

We took Kylee to the Spray Park last week w/ Amy and the boys. It is a bunch of sprinklers that the kids can run through. It's nice because it gives them a little more freedom because you don't have to worry about them drowning while they play in the water. Now falling is a different story... Kylee fell and skinned her knee and after she got a big spray of water to the face..... that was the end of our outing. She still had fun and we plan to take her back again.

Spray Park Video

The water was a bit chilly but she liked it for the most part!

Cheerios take 1

Kylee LOVES Cheerios! About 50 times a day she runs into the Walsh's kitchen (at work) and gets HER box out of the lazy Susan.... Some times she shares w/ Sonny the dog some times she feels the need to cram them into her mouth double fisted! Either way she loves to get into the Cheerios!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Cheerio's take 2

Here is take 2 of Kylee's Cheerios's commercial.

More Backyard Toys!

Stephanie gave Kylee Danny's old barn to play in. Thank God Steph is a pack rat and has held on to it for such a long time (Danny will be 13 in march!) because now Kylee & Martin's get to enjoy it! She likes opening and closing the door the best.

Kylee picked this one!

Ok so it's kinda gross.......... but funny! LOL

ELEIA Fireworks

Yup didn't post this one either. This was taken at our lakes fireworks. I gave Kylee a really late nap this time and she stayed awake for the whole show. She even said a few ooooooohhhh's and aaaahhhhh's! LOL
I hope to get more posting up this week.... we have just been really busy. Thanks for checking in!

Sylvan Fireworks

It's been so long since I posted I forgot to post this one. These are from 4th of July. The kids played outside all day and then we BBQed and made smores. That night we went to the OCBC to watch Sylvan Lake fire works. We danced to the band while we waited for it to get dark. Kylee fell asleep about 10 minutes in to them but still had fun.