Saturday, July 11, 2009

4H fair

Thursday for family fun day we went to the 4H (Oakland County Fair). We ran into Lynn a family friend and she gave us a personal tour (her kids have done 4H for years). Eric (Lynn's son) got out Bert the Sheep so Kylee could pet him, Lynn took out a mini rooster and put it on the stroller and we went on the merry go round. The part that made her day was feeding the goats! She was not to sure at first w/ the bigger deer but when we got to the goats and they were her size it was game on! She wanted to eat the carrots until Daddy showed her how to feed them to the animals. She was shoving carrots in the goats faces so fast that we had to get her a second thing of carrots! It was cute to watch her feed them and after each carrot she wiped her little hand off on her overalls! I think that when she gets old enough (you have to be 5) we might get her into 4H she had a blast!

Merry go Round w/ Mama

While we were at the 4H fair we wanted to take our lil thrill seeker on some rides but the only one they would let her on was the merry go round. She loved it again.... look out next year she will riding coaster w/ her hands up!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

feeding a Goat

Ok so I have 4th of July to put up still but I had to post this video. We went to the Oakland County Fair today. They have some rides but it is mostly 4H stuff. My mom's friend Lynn's kids do 4H so we had out own personal tour guide! It totally rocked. I have more pics to post but here is Kylee feeding the goats.... she wanted to eat the carrots herself at first but then really got a kick out of feeding them. It was free to go to the fair but $10 to park, it was worth the 10 buck to watch her pet/feed all the goats! We had a blast!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Kylee's new swing

So I wanted to get Kylee a swing since it is the first thing she runs to when we go to the park but I didn't think she was ready for a whole swing set...... so my Dad built her one! and she totally LOVES it! THANK YOU Dad! She will have so much fun on it until she is ready for the big girl swing set! Oh and I know the yard is a mess but we had that tree fall in the yard... it was a big mess getting DTE & ATT out here but it is cleaned up now..... Thank God!

Caseville/ Port Austin (just Kylee)

So these go w/ the post below and are just too cute not to post too (it only let's me post 5 at a time). One is from the beach and the other was taken when Danielle was making Kylee laugh so hard.

Caseville (beach)

My Aunt Mardel has a place in Caseville and 2 weekends ago we (Great Gram, Mardel, Mom, Toby, Me, Danielle & Kylee) went up for the weekend. Caseville is on Saginaw Bay in the thumb of MI (about 2 1/2 hours away). We went to the beach (only 2 blocks away my ass!), to a Park in Port Austin and to a pig raost. We had a great time it was great to get away and I wish we could have been there longer! THANKS Auntie Del & Uncle Dan (he vacated for the weekend to all of us girls could hang out)!

Port Austin Family Pics

Here are some pics at a little park in Port Austin. There was a cool lil park there that had a walk way out to the light house. We stopped to play and take some pics.

Danielle & KyleePlaying in Port Austin

I love these pics of Danielle playing w/ Kylee. They may be 15 years apart but they still have fun! Dani had Kylee laughing so hard I thought she was going to fall over!

Blue Moon Ice Cream

Great Gram got Kylee blue moon ice cream in Port Austin..... It made her poop bright turquoise the next day! I know TMI but it was pretty crazy. Just be happy that this is the only pic I posted! LOL

Dodge Park Pics

Here are a few pics that go w/ the video below.

Dodge Park

For Family Fun Day 2 weeks ago (yup I'm behind again!) we went to Dodge Park. DP is a state park on Cass Lake that is less than a mile from our house. It has a pretty nice pass so we bought a $26 pass for the year so she can play in the sand and have other kids around too. Here she is sitting on the shore.