Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Okay so I have been busy (I seem to always be busy these days). Now that Easter and Kylee's birthday have passed I will try to get up to date once again!
Anyway Kylee has been surfing around the furniture since Christmas. She has taken a few steps here and there form Mike to me or vice versa. Well today she walked! Not just a few steps either she took off! There is no holding her back now!
We also went to her 1 year check up on Tuesday. She was 29 1/2 inches and 23 1/4 lbs. That puts her in the 75%. She got 2 vaccines and they drew blood to check of allergies! Let's hope she takes after her Mama and doesn't have allergies!
I will be working on get the blog up to date... but my house is a mess and I have Thank You cards to write. So stay tuned!.........

Sunday, April 5, 2009

A sleepy lil girl

The other day I put Kylee in her exersaucer to change the laundry and make her lunch. She was in the living room watching Noggin TV. I thought she was fine since she was not screaming. Well I guess I took a little to long making lunch because poor lil baby girl fell asleep!

Lazy Daddy / Daughter day

The other day I was done working at 12:30. I stopped home before going to the gym and this is what I found on the couch. SO CUTE!

Briana & Ida

Briana (my friend since middle school and roommate in college) and her daughter Ida were in town visiting her parents. Kylee and I got to spend some time with them while they were here. We had 2 play dates and her parents took us out to dinner. It was great catching up with and old friend but oh how time have changed!... we were changing diaper in Briana's old room (that is now a work out room LOL), the same room that we once had slumber parties in!

Marsh Bank Park

Mike had a Sunday off and we had warm weather so we took Kylee to the park. She had fun even though the swings were not put up yet. She played on the jungle gym and the slide. She was just happy to spend the day with Mommy and Daddy!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

The cow says......

So we had pasta (in case you couldn't tell) the other night. During dinner (that she was eating all by herself!) we practiced animal noises. She know that the cow says MMMMoo and the sheep says bah. We are working on doggy and pig. She also says bye and of course her favorite word HI! Oh and Kylee is still not walking yet. She has taken 3 steps here and there but she would rather sit or crawl when you try to get her to walk. She has MASTERED the stairs though and we spend alot of time pulling her off of them!

Stopping at My Dad's

So I have a few more pages done from our trip. I am still working on the one from the cousin photo shoot (my scanner is acting up). Here are some pics when we stopped at my Dad & Karen's on our way home. Thanks Dad for dinner, the BIG bed and breakfast!

GA Family Pics

Here are some family pic highlights from the GA trip. We had such a great time and it went by way to fast!