Sunday, August 31, 2008

Kylee's Birth

Well just to get up to speed I am going to try and do a few updates until I get current and then I will try and keep it up to date.

Mike's mom Sue came in from GA from April 17th-25th hoping that I would have Kylee while she was here. Kylee did not want to let her Grammy down! At 7 AM April 19th (her due date) I woke up and decided to watch TV on the couch as laying in bed was not very comfortable at this point. At 7:30 AM I started having contractions every 5 minutes. I waited until 8 wake Mike up (wanted to see if they would pass). We took showers and were off to Huron Valley Hospital. I was admitted by 10 AM, dilated 4 cm and 90% effaced. Mike called our moms and they headed up to the hospital. I got my Epidural at 1:30 and they broke my water. I felt fine until about 6 PM and then I need to push! The doctor came in at 6:30 and the pushing began. Mike was by my side the whole time holding my leg and helping me through the pushes! At 8:04 PM April 19th, 2008 Kylee Susan Ladd was born! She weighed 8 lbs. 7 oz. and was 20 1/2 inches long. Both my mom Susan and Mike's mom Sue were in the room to welcome her.

The Ladd "basics"

Well I thought that I would do a quick blurb here for some old friends I don't talk to as often as I should. Mike and I got married September 24, 2004. In October 2004 Mike started at Lucky Strike as the Executive Chef where he is still currently employed. We bought a house in my hometown (Waterford, MI) in March of 2006. Our love and family grew on April 19, 2008 when we had Kylee Susan (the reason I created this site). We also have a fur baby... Charlie our 8 year old cat. That's us.... the short version.