Saturday, March 19, 2011


Kylee LOVES LOVES LOVES to get mail and she was on luck Valentine's Day Pap & Busha and Al & Darla sent her presents. She got new sunglasses, musical cards, a microwphone, a Tinker Bell book and lots and lots of M&M's!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Dino the Puppet!

Kylee has been turning everything into puppets these days. For Valentines day Bezzy got her a real puppet (and a Tinker bell pillow case to color. It's a dragon and we named him Dino.


After dinner we went to play at Jeepers for awhile. Kylee wanted to go on the roller coaster really bad... with ME! So we went and let me tell you that thing was FAST! She has been on coasters before but this thing flew! Needless to say we went on tamer rides after that!

Japanese Stake House

We had an Awesome Valentine's dinner at a Japanese steak house. Kylee was a lil freaked when the lite the grill on fire but loved the soup and using chopsticks!

Haircut 2

We went to the mall for a Valentines dinner with Nona and Kylee got another haircut..... ok she just got the bangs cut this time. We went back to the same place as her 1st haircut because she liked it so much. Oh and ya gotta love the haircut face she makes!

Valentine's Day Gifts From Nona

Nona knows the way to Kylee's heart.... she got her stuff to cook with! and a really cute outfit but the smiley face pancake pan was the star of the show!

Sandi's Birthday

We try to do dinner at our house with Max and Sandi about once a month. We eat and chat and the kids play. It's much better than going out the kids don't have to "behave". This dinner happened to be the day before Sandi's birthday so we had a lil cake!